Give Blood, Give Hope, Save Lives II

PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk. (“BLT”), partners with the Indonesian Red Cross for the Successful Blood Donation Activity.

In a concerted effort to make a positive impact on the community and contribute to saving lives, BLT joined hands with the Indonesian Red Cross in organizing a successful blood donation activity. The event took place on 30 & 31 August 2023 at Wisma BSG 11th Floor, and witnessed an overwhelming response from both employees and members of the community.

The collaboration between BLT and the Indonesian Red Cross underscores a shared commitment to addressing the ongoing need for safe and sufficient blood supplies in our region. The event aimed to raise awareness about the critical importance of regular blood donations, which play a crucial role in supporting medical treatments, emergency interventions, and surgeries.

The enthusiasm and participation shown by our employees and the local community reflect our collective dedication to giving back and supporting those in need. Every unit of blood collected can potentially save multiple lives, and we are proud to contribute to this noble cause.

The blood donation activity saw a diverse group of participants from various walks of life coming together to contribute to this lifesaving endeavor. The Indonesian Red Cross provided a team of skilled medical professionals who ensured a seamless and safe donation process, adhering to the highest standards of hygiene and safety protocols.

The event not only facilitated blood donations but also promoted a sense of unity and camaraderie among participants. This collaboration between BLT and the Indonesian Red Cross has laid the foundation for potential future endeavors aimed at making a lasting impact on the community.

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